resource guide

Resource Guide

Resource Guide for Expecting, New and Experienced Parents of Twins, Triplets, and Higher Multiples.

One of the first things we discovered as expecting parents of twins – and in our lives with twins – is twin families can use all the help, support and resources they can get! Below are links that we believe you will find useful. This resource guide is a service to our visitors. 

Please contact us to add your club, organization, support group, or class to the list!

Expecting Twins and Other Multiples Classes

It’s confirmed – you’re expecting multiples! NOW what do you do? We recommend that you find an expecting multiples class near you and take it around weeks 16 – 20 of your pregnancy!

Marvelous Multiples ® is a great website for information about multiple pregnancies, finding a care provider, finding an ‘expecting multiples’ prenatal class near you, and links to other resources on the web.

Multiple Expectations is a Portland, Oregon childbirth preparation class designed for the unique needs of families expecting a multiple birth. As alumni of this class, we highly recommend it! The class is taught by a mother-of-twins – who knows exactly what you’re going through. You will learn the differences of labor and birth of multiples, how to identify premature labor, feeding issues and equipment needs. You also receive an extensive notebook of information and resources. When we took the class, it was offered on a Saturday morning and Sunday afternoon. If you are from outside the Portland area, it’s a great excuse for a weekend away before the babies get here! (Personal Note: The McMennamins Kennedy School is mere minutes away!)

Twins Clubs

There is nothing like the camaraderie amongst the parents of multiples. We seem to be magically ‘drawn’ towards each other – in restaurants, in stores, at concerts and other events. Multiples Clubs are a great way to meet friends for yourself and the rest of your family, find mentors who have made it through whichever stage you and your twins are entering, and there’s always someone with advice on how to handle everything from feeding two babies at once to finding a pediatrician to finding a babysitter for two. Whether you are new to town or new to the world of multiples, a Multiples Group is a great way to make friends for every one in your family.

The National Organization of Mothers of Twins Club is not just a Moms Club, and not just a Twins Club. NOMOTC offers support for parents of twins and all higher multiples. Their website allows you to search for a club near you using a zip code search, or by browsing their state-by-state club listings.

Other Organizations and Support Groups

Unfortunately, sometimes families face circumstances or challenges beyond the normal challenges a family of multiples face. Support groups play an integral part in helping fact these challenges.

Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS) is a disease of the placenta that affects identical twin pregnancies. TTTSF helps families that face this devastating disease by offering comfort, support, information, and resources